Milk expiry at seven days after last-minute change

The revised articles announced by Hatzidakis stipulate that pasteurised milk will henceforth expire seven days after its date of production. Other changes refer to the uniform price for books and further clarify the term 'works of literature' that will retain a uniform price.
An article allowing work on Sunday on 52 Sundays a year as a pilot phase in tourist areas was reworded to restrict the pilot operation to 'three' areas, rather than 'at least three'.
There were also a number of changes to sundry issues, such as the abolition of a ban on companies raising prices ahead of the issue of a code of conduct for consumer protection issues, abolition of electronic records of detergents and others.
Addressing the Parliament plenum during Sunday's debate, Hatzidakis accused main opposition Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) of being the "movement of high prices," fighting for causes such as "preventing the abolition of a guaranteed profit margin for 34 pct for pharmacists" and devastated "because books will not be sold 50-100pct above the prices in other European countries".
"We have an opposition and main opposition that believes in the dogma that we can invest without investors and that we serve consumers by keeping prices high," he said, accusing SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras of "moving in the sphere of political surrealism" with his no-confidence motion against Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras.

source: ΑΜΝΑ
