Gov’t spokesman to SYRIZA spokesman: Get help with state budget arithmetic

In an announcement on Saturday, SYRIZA’s Panos Skourletis referred to German official statements of Greece’s possible need for a third loan and memorandum package, saying that Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’ government “fading hopes for a miracle after the national elections in Germany (in September).” He also charged the PM with choosing the “head-in-the-sand policy” by taking a passive stance and awaiting orders from the troika of lenders, given that the latest data on the Greek debt showed that it has reached 180 pct of the GDP.

On Sunday, following new German statements on the possibility of a third memorandum, Skourletis charged that the government “lacks democratic legitimacy and does not have the right to continue its disastrous work and to sign a new memorandum and new austerity measures”.

In his reply, Kedikoglou said, “SYRIZA is a victim of his own obsession with its predictions of disasters, distorting even simple arithmetic.”

The recapitalisation of banks, the government spokesman said, “created this temporary increase in debt” and said the SYRIZA spokesman should “call on some specialist from one of the party’s component groups to explain it to him.”

After national efforts, “Greece is becoming stronger, and this is recognised by everyone abroad, as much as that spoils SYRIZA’s plans,” Kedikoglou concluded.

Source: AMNA
