Tight fiscal policies are dangerous, SYRIZA leader Tsipras says in 'La Stampa' interview

14:39 9/9/2014 - Πηγή: E-Typos
Tight fiscal policies may result in global economic recession, main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras underlined in an interview with Italian newspaper La Stampa."Tight fiscal policies and austerity are not only wrong, but also dangerous. After five years, rather than extinct, the crisis has multiplied. And now we are in danger of global economic recession," Tsipras noted.

"Greece is responsible, but the most violent programme ever adopted in Europe was implemented in my country," Tsipras stressed adding that "the GDP fell by 25 percent in four years, the registered unemployment is at 28 percent and the public debt rose from 126 percent to 175 percent, which is unacceptable for a European country."

"No country can have a debt that is almost twice its GDP, because the repayment of interest rates crushes any possibility of development," the SYRIZA leader said.

This crisis, according to Tsipras, "is not a problem of Greece, Italy or Spain, but a structural problem. If we understand this, we will also understand that we should deal with it in a political way and render Europe more democratic: 27 member states are discussing today, but it is Merkel that decides."

Tsipras also stated that "the role of the European Investment Bank must be strengthened" while stressing the need for "technological upgrade that will not cut jobs but create new ones and increasing public investments."

The opposition leader also told La Stampa that economies should be given the necessary time to get back on their feet, without the commitments of the Stability Pact.