Social dividend beneficiaries can apply by the end of the week

16:26 15/4/2014 - Πηγή: E-Typos
Applications can be filed online by those eligible for the so-called “social dividend”, or section of Greece's primary surplus returned to the more vulnerable groups in society as a one-off benefit, by the end of the week via a special platform at, it was announced on Tuesday.

Those who will file an application by the end of April will see the one-off benefit credited to their bank accounts by May 10.

The decisions were reached in a meeting at the State General Accounting Office attended by Alternate Finance Minister Christos Staikouras, Deputy Labour Minister Vasilis Kegeroglou and PASOK MPs. A relevant decision is expected to be issued by the ministry of finance by Wednesday at the latest.

Criteria for those eligible were broadened to include more single parent families and people who were made redundant in 2014.

Social dividend beneficiaries are low wage earners and low pension recipients, long-term unemployed and formerly self-employed. The benefit will start from 500 euros per beneficiary and could exceed 1,000 euros in the case of families with many children.

The annual income for single individuals will have to be less than 6,000 euros (after social security contributions are subtracted) while their real estate property value will have to be under 125,000 euros. For married people and single parent families, the annual income is set at 8,000 euros and the real estate property value under 250,000 euros.

On May 9, the “social dividend” will be distributed to roughly 75,000 uniformed staff who will receive a one-off benefit of 500 euros.