Chinese telecommunications giant ZTE Corporation to construct logistics center in Piraeus

15:51 10/9/2013 - Πηγή: E-Typos
The construction of a logistics center in Piraeus, the country's largest commercial seaport, will get underway by the Chinese ZTE Corporation telecommunications company in the last quarter of the year, it was announced on Tuesday.

The decision was made public following a meeting between Development & Competitiveness Minister Costis Hatzidakis and ZTE Corporation Vice-President for Central & Eastern Europe Chang Xiao Wei which was held in the context of a bilateral memorandum of cooperation signed during Prime Minister Antonis Samaras' recent visit to China.

It was preparatory in nature ahead of a visit by ZTE Corporation President and Executive Director Lirong Shi to Greece on October 10 and his scheduled meeting with the prime minister.

The Chinese company, the fourth largest telecommunications company worldwide, plans to make more investments in Greece, including the establishment of a Research and Development Center and the opening of a production line that will cover the European market's needs.

More details on the planned investments will be announced after the prime minister's meeting with the ZTE Corporation head in October.