Kasselakis rolls out innovative campaign trailer for European Elections

Syriza leader Stefanos Kasselakis, has taken a novel approach to his election campaign, introducing a recreational trailer imported from England for his tours in mainland Greece.

The initiative is part of his campaign strategy for the European elections, serving as the party’s mobile headquarters.

Television cameras at the Kifisia station,north of Athens, documented ongoing preparations to convert the recreational vehicle into a functional office for Mr. Kasselakis and his team.

The boxy vehicle was seen plastered with a massive photograph of Kasselakis, under a roaring message reading “Better Life, Now.”

The leftist leader's itinerary is set to begin in North Attica, continuing to Macedonia.

Party officials say the mobile headquarters was an idea conceived by Mr. Kasselakis himself.

While some liken the move to an American-style campaign, others point to former socialist leader George Papandreou and his extensive Egnatia Highway tour, which included two opulent buses filled with ministers and journalists.

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