Ambush in Vyronas killing Albania driver

In a tragic ambush in Vyronas, two individuals on a motorcycle opened fire on a car, killing its 32-year-old driver.

His wife, 37, and son, escaped the killing. Details of the couple, Albanian nationals, were not released.

Authorities said the bloody incident occurred at a busy intersection, when the son stepped out of the car to make a purchase and a motorcycle carrying two people zipped by, pulling up next to the vehicle and firing at least two shots at the driver.

The hit, witnessed by onlookers, sparked panic, prompting police, medical crews and a fire truck to scramble to the site.

Authorities said the victim’s wife was taken to a local precinct to testify as homicide experts collected forensic evidence from the site.

Authorities said an investigation was under way to determine the cause of the hit.

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