What's in the Stars today, September 15?

Today, If you focus on goodness, love, beauty, harmonious relationships and all the things that bring balance to life, you'll find happiness.

Moon in Gemini

Love is in the air! With the Moon in intellectual Gemini and Mercury, the ruler of the sign, in airy, positive and romantic Libra, your most effective weapon today is your brain. If you focus on goodness, love, beauty, harmonious relationships and all the things that bring balance to life, you'll find happiness.

Aspects of the Moon

The day begins with the aspect between the Moon and Venus early in the morning enabling sweet love talk as well as contacts and agreements. The sextile with beneficial Jupiter encourages you to broaden your horizons, buy books, and get in touch with teachers, instructors and with optimistic people or people with a sense of humour. In the afternoon, your mind is really sharp and ideas are transmitted easily while contacts or discussions with friends excite you or spark your curiosity. In the evening, the Moon forms a favourable aspect with Mercury in Libra creating opportunities for walks, visits, discussions, intellectual activities, contacts as well as romantic acquaintances and courtship.

You are favoured today if you are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius or Aries, Sagittarius and Leo of the second decan.

Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, today you should smile, play, tell a joke, flirt, express your feelings and your thoughts, make a suggestion, and give your relationship some space. Be the soul of the party, connect to the people around you and you'll have an amazing day.
