What's in the Stars today, September 1?

Today, mending and fixing stuff and anything that says "rebirth", "development" and "evolution" is favoured.

Moon in Cancer

Have a good month! September begins with the Moon in the sign that is linked to home and family stressing matters to do with property but also with spaces for the elderly and preschool children.

Bloated! The sign of Cancer is related to your stomach, so today you should avoid food and beverages that cause your stomach to bloat, such as pulses or fizzy drinks. You might also drink more fluids to avoid water retention.

Sun trine Pluto

Time for a change! The earth trine Sun-Pluto favours transformations from which you can benefit materially and professionally. Mending and fixing stuff and anything that says rebirth, development and evolution is favoured.

Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio of the third decan are lucky today: you'll be lucky in romantic affairs and you'll be interested in psychic phenomena.

Have a good month and dare to visualise whatever you want and fulfil your dreams.
