What's in the Stars today, October 14?

The world is sending you gifts disguised as opportunities; it's up to you to see them for what they are...

Moon in Cancer

Use your intuition! Today, with the receptive and emotional Moon in Cancer, you should get involved in activities related to your family and home, history and tradition. At the same time, it's a good day to listen carefully to your intuition. They could be messages regarding trivial matters, such as "you should read that book" and "get in touch with this or that friend" or more important things such as "find a new partner", "work on your relationship with your child" and "get a degree."

Venus sextile Jupiter

The universe helps those who help themselves! The world is sending you gifts disguised as opportunities; it's up to you to see them for what they are. Money, love, happiness, knowledge, acceptance, recognition and joy are among the blessing you can receive. But to achieve that, you've got to be proactive, use your brain and your connections and be actively creative.

You are favoured today if you are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces of the first decan or Libra, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aries of the second decan.

Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have a great day as long as you heed your inner voice and the messages it sends you to help you benefit from the blessings the world is giving out. Listen to it!
