What's in the Stars today, November 6?

In the afternoon, the Moon meets imposing Pluto and guarantees especially powerful moments, sensuality and strong passion!

Moon in Taurus

Of course it's possible! Today with the Moon in stable and earthly Taurus the message of the day is that if you want something and you put your heart into it, it will materialise. Both in the workplace and in love as well as in relationships and finances perseverance is worth double your intellect.

Aspects of the Moon

Forget the ephemeral, aim for the constant! The Moon in Taurus indicates a need for stability, and the trine with powerful and ambitious Mars in Capricorn favours strategic moves and well planned steps in order to find a way to make a living in a more secure, pleasant and creative way! In the afternoon, the Moon meets imposing Pluto and guarantees especially powerful moments, sensuality and strong passion!

Luck is on your side if you are Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn of the first and second decan.

Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr, you will have a beautiful day if you stick to your goals and work methodically so that love and affection hold hands.
