What's in the Stars today, July 4?

Today with the Sun-Pluto opposition don't take on physically, emotionally or financially challenging tasks because most likely the pressure will find a violent outlet...

Moon in Virgo Void of Course

Stick with the ordinary daily chores! Friday begins with the Moon void of course in tidy and obliging Virgo which means that you should avoid working towards important business in the morning as it could be a waste of energy. Sort out your wardrobe or your desk and just deal with simple, ordinary things that won't be affected by possible changes.

Moon in Libra

A happy get-together! Later, at 12:42 the Moon moves into the airy and sociable sign of Libra and you're in the mood for getting in touch with people. Happy events take place. The ruler of Libra is Venus which is in Gemini and indicates playful, flirtatious affairs without ties and constraints.

Sun opposite Pluto

You won't achieve anything by force! The Sun-Pluto-Uranus T-square that is becoming slowly active indicates that pressure, force and even self-restraint will trigger outbursts, rifts and reactions. Therefore, today with the Sun-Pluto opposition don't take on physically, emotionally or financially challenging tasks because most likely the pressure will find a violent outlet.

You should be particularly careful if you are Cancer, Capricorn, Libra, Aries born in the second decan.

You are favoured today if you are Libra, Aquarius, Gemini born in the first decan.

Astrology.gr wishes you a colourful, beautiful and of course sexy Friday!
