What's in the Stars today, August 3?

Don't drive, calm down and decide later based on the true meaning of words and thoughts...

Moon in Scorpio

Passion, intensity and claims! Today you wake up with a deep need to make drastic changes and a strong feeling that you can move on despite any obstacles. You are absolutely certain about what you want in love and other areas of your life, and you are so driven that you won't stop until you get it!

Mercury square Mars

You can't take back what you said! You are unable to hide your feelings, swallow things that bother you nor tolerate hurtful thoughts. The best way to voice your thoughts? Speak but don't offend, express your thoughts but don't impose them, ask but don't accuse, realise or explain that love means patience not oppression. And if that doesn't work? Don't give in to absurdity, don't drive, calm down and decide later based on the true meaning of words and thoughts.

Be cautious when you're dealing with tension, jealousy, suspicion and possessive tendencies, especially if you are Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius and Leo of the first days.

You've got the secret combination to good fortune if you are Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces of the first decan.

Irrespective of sign, Astrology.gr friend, you can have a great Sunday if you focus on setting limits, making a new beginning, overcoming obstacles and enjoying passionate nights.
