Kneeled Greece is blackmailed to ambolish her heritage

17:22 21/2/2012 - Πηγή: Olympia

It’s been a long ago since the newborn state of FYROM, backed by some of the Great Powers of the planet, is furiously trying not only to falsify historical facts to present itself as the owner of the ancient Hellenic kingdom of Macedonia and its culture, but also to build a bulk of propaganda in order to annex the historical province of Macedonia from Greece.

Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent in every kind of media implied propaganda with the aim of convince the world of the ”truth” of FYROM‘s historical lies. Books of ”history”, articles of ”scientific” journals, advertisements, articles in popular mass media, even movies have been created and distributed with colossal payment in order to present a huge historical lie and to slander Greece. The question is where finds a small and poor state like FYROM so much money to fund such a vast campaign, when its citizens are lacking basic public benefits and they constantly blame Greece for their financial problems.

Some years before Greece was forced to be under the plague of IMF, several popular mass media were blaming Greece that was taken advantage of the misfortune financial state of FYROM and was blackmailing them to solve the name issue at her favour. That was a complete falsification of the situation, because Greece, despite the constant provocations on Behalf of FYROM (naming the airport at Skopjie ”Alexander the Great”, building statues of ancient Hellenic heroes, who are presented as non – Greeks, using the Hellenic religious symbol of the so-called ”Vergina Sun” as theirs), was reinforcing the economy of FYROM by funding essential projects and feeding their economy, giving jobs and money.

Now that Greece is forced by predesigned steps to jeopardize its sovereignty with a non-elected government that is not having the approval of the nation, those that were backing FYROM all these years are now trying to force the nation to accept to sell its history and cultural heritage to a rogue state that plainly also wants to occupy the geographical area of the ancient Hellenic kingdom of Macedonia.

Many speculators and vultures that are being feed from the nation’s corpse have proposed since the coming of the Greek financial crisis, “Why shouldn’t Greece sell some islands in order repay its debt, or even Parthenon?” propagating the idea that a nation in debt has not even the moral right to defend its own sacred heritage.

These ”innocent” proposals seem to be enforced to the wounded country, since the puppet government that enjoys the IMF & EU approval is completely devoted to their work to sell the nation’s wealth, natural and historic, despite the angry voices of Greek people. The recent robbery in the Ancient Olympia’s Museum is unfortunately only the beginning..
