Theodorakis: The country needs a big shock

Stavros Theodorakis gives a political call to active citizens who "watch" and want to "wet" to the River.

Stavros Theodorakis gives a political call to active citizens who "watch" and want to "wet" the River.

In his article "To Vima", the head of the party calls "socialists, social democrats, ecologists, centrists, progressives and leftists liberal reformers to go to River."

"Executives of Government who know the problems, activists and active citizens create so many years against the party bus. The country needs a strong shock to retake forward, " said mr. Theodorakis.

Mr. Theodorakis said the 'River' hasnt' got "political army, or no personal mechanisms and we show them that we win because we do not have commitments."

Stavros Theodorakis concludes that we should "release the forces of society, to change policy, to change the system, to change the country. Do not lose another great opportunity. "
