The dream of a 16-year old volunteer in Amphipolis

His words touched Anna Panagiotarea. He is only 16 years old and managed to "sneak" into the closed briefing of…

"How to say no to such a child," says Anna Panagiotarea and continues "I do not even discuss it, he has an open invitation to put his questions."

The short article of young Thanassis, titled "Excavation change our lives" touched Anna Panagiotarea which accepted immediately, to satisfy his desire and thus he was found among reporters and put his questions in the staff of the excavation. Young Thanassis wants to experience the way in which information from a small village like Mesolakkia tour around the world.

Thanassis is a volunteer in Kasta hill and cleans the area of the bottles and the butts of visitors. He organized his friends and together they removed the garbage in the regional area of the tomb. He still does it today when he has free time. At home except of the lessons is studying all announcements of the Ministry of Culture and monitors everything they write for the site of Amphipolis.

According to local media, "thousandnews", Thanasis while discussing with reporters, he hesitated to say that he wants to write articles for the region, until he decided timidly to disclose it. In his article describes the upheaval that brought in the lives of residents in Mesolakkia, the archaeological dig.

See an excerpt from the article by Thanassis:

"I never imagined that we would see the TV channels every day in our village. We have all been impressed. We feel great pride and hope that our life will be better when tourism will arrive. The findings filled us with optimism giving us immense pleasure.

We kids cannot believe that suddenly in the place where we played long ago was found a vast tomb. Grandparents discuss endlessly for the mound and the joy is obvious on their faces. The reporters and tourists have flooded the village and the shops are filled with people."
